
283 of approximately 600 responded to the survey. This section summarises the overall demographics of the survey participants.

by age

There were 283 participants in total. The following figure and table provide a breakdown by age categories.

by country

by ethnicity

by gender

by LGBT+ status

Question unintentionally omitted this year.

by disability status

Other disabilities/impairments included a learning disability, a mobility impairment, and chronic pain. Some individuals specified more than one disability/impairment.

The option to specify “no disability” was not an explicit option on the form (unintentionally), hence the high non-response.

In an optional free text response, respondents highlighted the need for quiet space, chill-out space with seating and more tables during food breaks.

by education

by employment type

Here salaried students are categorised as employed in academia. Other includes retired, casually employed and unemployed.

by student status

by employment status

Employment here refers to any paid employment.

by caregiver status

Here a caregiver is anyone that has dependents.

by time using R

by use of R for work

Here “fundamental” is used when the respondent said they used R for work; “supplemental” is used when the respondent said they use R when they can find an excuse to, but it’s not a requirement of their role.


by age

by ethnicity

by gender

by education

by employment

by time using R

Special Session

In total 55 people presentetd a speccial session.

by age

by ethnicity

by gender

by education

by employment

by how long they’ve been using R

Satisfaction with the Conference