Diversity survey

We received 455 responses to this survey.

Interest in R

Years of experience using R

Barplot with the response indicating that the conference's public is mostly experienced users. The number increases from the first bar (< 6 months) to the fifth bar (5-10 y). There are only a few users with > 10 years of experience less than the 5-10 years category

How old are you?

Barplot with 6 categories of age: 18-24, 25-34, 35-44, 45-54, 55-64, > 64. Smaller categories are the lowest and the highest age categories. The Highest bar is the 25-34 age class and it decreases from the next ones.

What is your country of origin?

World map colored in shades of green according to the number of participants from each country of origin. We come from 80 countries, among the countries most represented are: the USA, Germany, India, Brazil, Argentina, France, Canada, Great Britain.
Continent attendees percent
Africa 49 10.96
Asia 62 13.87
Europe 162 36.24
North America 93 20.81
Oceania 4 0.89
South America 77 17.23

In what country do you currently reside?

World map colored according to the number of participants from each country (country of residence).
Continent attendees percent
Africa 46 10.24
Asia 53 11.80
Europe 170 37.86
North America 107 23.83
Oceania 8 1.78
South America 65 14.48

What racial/ethnic group(s) do you identify with?

A barplot with the counts of how many people identify with a particular racial/ethnic group. 206 people identify as White, 71 as Hispanic, 50 as Asian, 39 prefer not to respond, 38 as Black. 16 people identify as white Latinx.

How would you self-identify regarding race and ethnicity?

Only 32% responded the question.

A world cloud with the self-identification of race and ethnicity. The largest word is European, followed by Indian, Caucasian, American, African, Black, British, Chinese

What is your gender?

Gender n percent
Prefer not to respond 15 3.30
Man 251 55.16
Gender diverse 10 2.20
Woman 173 38.02
NA 6 1.32

Gender identification of the organizers, presenters, and attendees. In each panel, bars in the following order: man, gender diverse, and woman. The organizers are mostly women, the presenters and attendees are mostly men. Gender-minorities represented a small porportion of the attendees and was larger among attendees than presenters.

Do you have any disabilities or impairments that affect the way you work/study or place special requirements on your working/learning environment?

Barplot with the number of people with any disability in the organizer, presenter and attendee groups. Proportionally, we had a better representation in the organizer group than in attendees and presenters

What kind of disability do you have?

A barplot with the counts of how many people declare having a disability or a combination of diabilities. A side bar plot indicates the most frequent disabilities were visual (n = 10), followed by hearing (n = 7), mental health (n = 4), mobility (n = 2) and learning disabilities (n = 1). The category other was quite important, with n = 7

Do you identify as LGBTQIA+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, other sexual or gender minority)?

Barplot with the number of people who identify as LGBTQIA+ among the organizers, presentes and attendees. This group was better represented among the attendees than in the organizing and presenter groups

What is the highest level of education you have completed?

Education n percent
Secondary 6 1.32
Undergraduate 63 13.85
Professional 11 2.42
Master 179 39.34
Doctorate 191 41.98

Barplot with six bars: Secondary, Undergraduate, Professional, Master, Doctorate. Highest bars are Master and Doctorate followed by Undergraduate. Only a few people have only Secondary or a Professional degree.

Are you currently a student?

Barplot with 3 bars: 'No', 'Yes, full time', and 'Yes, part time'. The bars decrease from the first to the last. Most of the attendants are not students anymore

What is your current employment status?

If in paid employment, are you:

Barplot with 3 bars: 'No', 'Yes, full time', and 'Yes, part time'. The bars decrease from the first to the last. Most of the attendants are not students anymore

Do you have any children or adults that depend on you for day-to-day care?

Barplot with two bars: No and Yes. Most of people answered no, but one third of the people say they have children or adults to take care.

Satisfaction survey

We had 235 responses for the satisfaction survey.

Was this your first useR!?

Barplot with the response indicating that the conference was the first useR! for most attendants.

Did you ask for a waiver or financial support?

Stacked barplot showing tha most of the users did not ask for waivers or financial support, mainly because they didn't need it, but some because they didn't know about it. most of the users who asked for some kind of support asked for waivers. The other options, asking for financial support and asking for both waivers and financial support, were less frequent.

What type of sessions did you attend?

Figure showing that most of the users attended Keynotes, Regular talks, Elevator pitches, Panels and incubators, and tutorials, in that order.

How did you like the following events?

Barplots indicating the score of the following components of the conference, from 1, did not like it at all, to 5 like it very much. Elevator pitches, Keynotes, Panel/incubators, Regular talks, Social events, Tutorials. Most of the elements got notes around 4 and 5.

How would you rate the accessibility practices during useR! 2021?

Barplots indicating the score of the following components of accessibility of the conference, from 1, did not like it at all, to 5 like it very much. Caption quality, Slide availability, Slide accessibility, Conftool and schedule, Slack. Most of the elements got notes around 4 and 5 but we have some feedback in the open-field questions.

Were you able to interact with other people from the R community during the conference?

Stacked barplot showing that most people could network, mostly via slack and tutorials/panels/incubators, while a group of people could not interact. In the open fields this seems to be related to the use slack.

How satisfied were you with the following aspects of the useR! organization?

Several barplots with the scores for the following components of organization: Abstract submission, chat platform, conference registration, support from the organizing team, social media, tutorial registration, website. Mostly good reviews around the 4 and 5 but also more polarized questions around the chat platform and tutorial registration.

Will you attend a future useR!?

Barplot showing that most people will come back to future useR! conferences. Definitely yes got almost 120 responses, depending on where around 90 responses, only if it's online around 50, i don't know 30, and no 5 answers.