

Leading the R community forwards in widening the participation of women and other under-represented groups.

Find out more about the task force.


For more details on past workshops, see the Edu section.

2023-11-18, Montevideo, Uruguay - Yanina Bellini Saibene co-chairs LatinR2022, which includes a keynote by Di Cook, a lightning talk by Pao Corrales on contributing translations to R and a contribution space for working on translations.

2023-11-16 - RainbowR launch a pilot buddy scheme to foster stronger connections between community members.

2023-11-16 - Heather Turner gives a keynote on Contributing to R at the II Conference of R (Spanish R Users conference) in Barcelona.

2023-11-09 - Di Cook, Heather Turner and Jonathan Godfrey obtain grant from R Consortium to support adding alt text to R Journal articles.

2023-11-06 - Kevin O’Brien starts a monthly community call for organizers of R User Groups, see the Global R User Group meetup.

2023-08-29 - Several Forwards members participate in R Project Sprint 2023, an event to encourage broader participation in contributing to base R.

2023-05-29 - Di Cook co-mentors Abhishek Ulayil on second Google Summer of Code project on Converting past R Journal articles to HTML.

2023-04-22 - Ella Kaye and Heather Turner give talk on Sustainability and EDI in the R Project at satRdays London 2023.

2022-10-12, Online - Yanina Bellini Saibene co-chairs LatinR2022, which includes R translatón/Hackaton de tradução do R.

2022-10-10 - Liz Hare talks to R-Ladies NYC about Writing Meaningful Alt-Texts for Data Visualizations in R.

2022-08-01 - Yanina Bellini Saibene gives a keynote at CarpentryCon 2022 on Achieving the change we want one conference at a time.

2022-08-08 - gwynn sturdevant and Jonathan Godfrey join panel at JSM 2022 on Delivering Data Differently.

2022-08-06 - Kevin O’Brien and Sam Toet help organize the first Francophone satRday.

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